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REORDER LEVELS and Sales Budgets

The Figures tab is the entry screen for minimum stock on hand requirements together with budgetary information that can be used for reporting purposes.  The minimum stock hand figures and budgetary information are entered on a warehouse basis and the total for the business is calculated.  These figures are used in the calculation of the quantity to be ordered when purchase orders to re-stock are raised. Sales details are automatically updated at Process Sales Order time.  


1. Figures tab and select the appropriate warehouse
  Unit Sales and Dollar Sales - updated as sales orders and credit notes are processed
2. Inventory Minimum Stock & Budgets  
  Minimum SOH - minimum level of stock holding for re-ordering purposes
  Minimum DollarValue- calculated as Min SOH @ Last Cost Price.  This value can be inserted and the minimum stock on hand is then calculated based on the Last Cost in the PricesForm Tab
  Budget Units - of inventory items to be sold for the current year
  Budget Dollars - calculated as Budget Units @ Last Cost Price
  Inventory Sales  
  Unit Sales Last Year and Dollar Sales Last Year - displayed from previous years information.  Details are rolled over at each end of year process in the form Yearly Roll-Over, Roll Over Application
3. Inventory Auto Set Values

Some examples are:

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